I have suffered of constipation since I know myself. I am a female, 55 yrs old. Recently though I could not have a stool for almost 2 weeks. I experienced generalized pains, nausea, sleep disturbances, abdominal swelling, headache, dizziness, irritability, tiredness.
I asked for prof. Sunil Agarwal ji’s help and, about 15 min since I drew the points, I felt small needle-like pains into my uterus. It felt like uterus was coming back to life, since in the last years my lower abdomen felt cold and almost numbed!
After another 25 to 30 min since I drew the colored points indicated by prof. Sunil Agarwal, I started feeling the sensation of defecation and I could at last eliminate the stool!
All pains in the body disapeared immediately after elimination. I also noticed some small clean red blood drops came out from the vagina. Afterwards I experienced some kind of new pains in the uterus for a while, but in a short while the small bleeding stopped, the pain disapeared and I noticed that my lower abdomen have become so pleasantly warm!
I continue using the points and colors indicated by prof. Sunil and if I’ll experience something new, I’ll come back with a new feedback.
Thousand thanks, Sunil Agarwal ji for your compassion, great competence and experience! 🙏🌷
(Note: I attach hereto the picture on the hand color points; I emphasize that I also drew a green circle around my navel).

