Sir Sunil’s protocol’s effectiveness

One of my friend called me for his wife which was in trouble due to stomach problems like indigestion, pain, nausea, huge brups and gastritis. I suggest him to apply green color around navel. Within 1 hour he messaged me that his wife is quite well now, many of...

Chronic constipation relief

I have suffered of constipation since I know myself. I am a female, 55 yrs old. Recently though I could not have a stool for almost 2 weeks. I experienced generalized pains, nausea, sleep disturbances, abdominal swelling, headache, dizziness, irritability, tiredness....

eye infection and inflammation

this client aged 26 year old female suffering from this issue for the past 3 month, she went to doctor , they told the eye is infected, they give antibiotics , is not workings, they told they need to small cut leison to open and drain it, but her mother know me for...