With the help of diagnosis by pulse described in the mai Jing I found a rock-kind cordalis pulse in the radial artery of my Px hitting my finger in the superficial level of the çun pulse. Pulse was fast, tense, robust and the artery was tense like a wire. After selecting the point CV 12 since it’s directly related to the stomach and the Aorta, and with the advice of professor Sunil Agarwal to follow the voice of the superior consciousness allowing professor Sunil Agarwal’s lectures guide us through Yuan Shen’s voice to become our own Shen’s voice to select the patterns and colors I found that painting a circle in the CV12 can make so much wonders. I had to select between Speed and tension and found heat in the blood should be solved as soon as possible with black color, but then tense pulse became a little superficial still robust, that’s when I knew some gasses needed to be expelled with brown color around the black circle, then the tense radial artery could be relocated and even lost (before it was a tense wire) through the radius bone. After that the tense pulse was still robust yet not so strong, so I picked green color to move the excess… In a few seconds the artery was soft and Px was very happy because he didn’t know he had this condition but he knew he was feeling much better. By putting these circles around and concentric I was cutting the Aorta’s layered’s fat allowing blood to run fresh. Color therapy is amazing. Thank you so much, Sir
