
Name               Sonu (Name Changed)

Diagnosis          Diffuse peeling of skin & mucous membrane              

                            of oral cavity, lips & nose

D.O.B                 15 Jan 2014

Gender              Male

Country            India

Treatment: Heat sedation and coldness tonify of Pericardium, Stomach and Large Intestine

History A 6-year-old male child from Nagpur with a recent history of cough, cold and fever, diagnosed by physician as a case of Acute Pharyngitis was prescribed with oral antibiotics, antipyretics and cough suppressants. He continued on same medication for about a week. His previous symptoms were persistent, along with development of new complaints of diffuse peeling of skin and mucous membrane of oral cavity, lips and nose. His blood report shows only mildly elevated WBC Count and CRP suggestive of some acute infection. Doctors considered worsening may be due to reaction of some medicine or disease progression

Medical condition before AECCT Treatment

Chief compliant was of swollen lips, oral and nasal mucosa with bloody peelings. Deglutition of even liquids was impossible with burning sensation in throat. Boy was in extreme pain.

Diagnosis by AIHR therapist

Diagnosed case as medicine allergy affecting energies of Pericardium, stomach and large intestine. Mouth is the window of stomach as per Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Any problem in the mouth/throat area like bristle, boils are related with malfunction of stomach organ

According to Su-jok acupuncture, lower portion of the thumb represents neck region.



  1. Pericardium- Heat â (Sedation) Coldness á (Tonify)
  2. Large Intestine- Heat â (Sedation) Coldness á (Tonify)
  3. Spleen- Heat â (Sedation) Coldness á (Tonify)

By Su-Jok-

Lower Thumb represent throat area. As child was having problem in throat and was unbale to swallow anything due to pain, therefore, black colour was applied on the throat correspondence to increase the coldness and sedation of burning. 

Medical condition after AECCT treatment

After two hours of treatment, the child took liquid diet and by six hours he shifted semiliquid diet. Next day morning, his diet intake became normal. There was no effect of medicine allergy in the throat area.  

Before TreatMent:

After 6 hours of treatment:

After 6 hours of treatment

After one day of treatment